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breaking me?! (part 8)

Did you know that super old cultures/societies used massive amounts of teasing pleasure as a means to “acquire” information from people??

Actually, my naughty tickle lovers on here probably already know about this, because Japanese or Chinese (Or both?) used tickling as a way to “get” their information from people!!

I also think that a lot of times their so called “tickling” wasn’t just focused on girls with helpless, pretty, ticklish soles like mine either… I totally feel like the feathers of their captors found their way to other places too... Like, I donno, they re helpless nipples and clits!? Like, a lot?!

I’ve always kind of imagined, based on how I tease a helpless man, and why it gives me such a rush, that pleasure overload - Teasing, “edging” and prolonging an orgasm until they need it so desperately, that their brain is all but melting out their ears, would undoubtedly be a pretty powerful way to “convince” people to offer up all sorts of secret/juicy inf

  • 00:17:10
  • Jun 25, 2024
  • 40


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