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i missed the bus, but i busted a nut

Robert missed his bus, but luckily for him during the 30-minute waiting period until the next bus, he met a brunette named Velvet. She had a tattoo of an Indian symbol. Anyway, Robert tells her about his nightclub as he continues with the conversation. Continuing with their talk, Velvet tells Robert she likes women but she prefers men. On that note, Robert offers her some cash to get some information about her sex life. It so happens that Velvet had sex in a nightclub. Velvet likes to have her pussy and tit licked, and she also likes to have sex in different places. Moving on, after giving more cash, Velvet shows Robert her perky tits, and subsequently they end up fucking in a secret place where he sticks his finger up her ass.

  • 00:00:00
  • Mar 11, 2013
  • 1147


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