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newbie hydie

Hello everybody. Our next newbie was this hot young chick Hydie from LA. She told me that she just started in August, which makes her completely new to this business. From our short conversation that was interrupted by my cock, which ended up in her mouth, I found out that she likes to play with herself a lot, especially with her clit ball. Funny name ah. She also likes anal. After, she turned around to show her nice ass. My dick got super hard, and after that she started shaking her hot booty. I couldn t wait any longer. She gave me a class A blow job that I would never expect from an amateur girl. The sex was awesome. Her ass was bouncing on top of my dick up and down. To make a long story short that was great. Check it out!!!

  • 00:00:00
  • Sep 20, 2008
  • 154


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