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can i have a minute of your time?

In this weeks bangbus update were out doing what we do and by that I mean getting my boy Mirko some ass. So we spot this little blondie in the middle of this shopping center and I told him to go get her and show me that he can pull some girls so he did and she came we offered her some money you know our procedure and she obliged at the sight of that cash. Inside the bus this girl was a bit shy but kept talking and kind of being defensive so i had to break through that thick armor and mind you this girl has a nice set of tits on her so I had to get her comfortable and let me tell you that this girl was eyeing my boy the whole time so I told him to take action and he did and it was on and poppin after that if you know what i mean.I hope you guys enjoy this update,Stay tuned!

  • 01:08:42
  • Oct 04, 2011
  • 244


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