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new girl for porno

For all of you who have already seen this extreme beauty Christy Mack . This is the video that started it all. Christy came in from doing a lot of car magazine modeling. She came in ready to interview with us not audition. Now, you guys know I was not gonna let this super hot girl just walk out without seeing both her body and watch her get fucked. After I explained how the business works she got really comfortable but when it came time to fuck on camera to see what she s got, that was a different story. I managed to convince her to fuck with no pay strictly for helping her get some gigs. Days like this I love my job! I have nothing to say about the sex guys, you just have to see this. She s officially my favorite now. Keep your napkins near :) WOW!

  • 01:05:33
  • Apr 20, 2012
  • 816


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