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kitty got it all over her face

Welcome back people. Today I thought it might be a cool idea to go and check out Ft. Lauderdale since we haven t been there for a while, plus Puck also had told me that he has a friend who lives in that area. This dude has been watching Bang Bus for a long time and always wanted to nail some pussy in the backseat, so I decided to give it a shot and pick him up. Looking back I gotta tell you that it wasn t a smart decision. Before we picked him up we also met a few chicks and two of them agreed to flash us for a small amount of money. Then we saw this girl Kitty walking alone and offered her to come with us, she didn t have a problem with it. Actually she didn t have a problem with anything that we were offering. The only person who did have problems was that dude we picked up. His dream to fuck someone on the Bus was about to come true and he fucked it up. He couldn t get hard! Later I figured that maybe he was talking about Bait Bus and it wasn t a pussy he was dreaming about, it was something else. So Puck had to replace his friend. Which he did really well. She got his jezz all over her face.

  • 00:00:00
  • Jul 17, 2007
  • 175


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