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trying something new with my girlfriend

Part 1 of the feature-length taboo tale Cuck-Mommy Act I featuring Abby McCoy with Eve and Nicky Rebel.

Abby and her boyfriend, Nicky, are in the honeymoon phase of their relationship, and they are exploring more and more new things in bed to spice up their romance. So, when Nicky calls Abby to come to his stepmom s house one afternoon where they could have some alone time, Abby arrives wearing just a romper, no underwear. Nicky tells her he has something he wants to try, and she allows him to handcuff her wrists and ankles to the bed. He then starts tickling her, Abby giggling uncontrollably. Nicky is having a great time tickling his girlfriend, but he knows she wants her pretty pink pussy played with since she is bound for his pleasure, so he pulls aside the bottoms of her romper to dip a finger into her already-wet pussy. Nicky knows his girlfriend is a squirter, and he finger fucks her just so until she squirts for him, moaning as she cums. He alternates between tea

  • 00:15:30
  • May 09, 2024
  • 72


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