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fuck machine spit roast

My first ever spit roast!! I finally did it, I finally got spit roasted with a cock and a fuck machine! I dressed up in my sluttiest tartan outfit and then Mister J tied my tits extra, extra tight and restrained me to the table. He warmed me up with some oil on my tits and cunt and slapped them around. He slowly started fingering me and then made me squirt all over while he groped and slapped my giant tits. He shoved my pink vibrator right inside me and started to flog my legs and cunt. With the vibrator still going he put extremely tight and painful suction cups on my pierced nipples. I thought we done but then I heard the lighter and knew my tits were about to get covered in hot wax. It hurt but it also felt so good! The fuck machine was stuffed in my cunt and Mister J started going to town in my throat with his cock. I was gasping and spitting immediately, it felt so amazing to be fucked from both ends. He face fucked the blindfold right off of my face and the tears started flowing

  • 00:27:15
  • May 07, 2024
  • 664


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