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maid with huge ass gets fucked

I love it when the maid company sends me a hot piece of ass. This week they sent me this hot maid named Ashley. This chick has a huge pair of tits and an amazingly big ass to go with it. Not long after she started cleaning, I had t offer her some money to clean top less. After some convincing, she finally agreed and I got to see her glorious tits. She cleaned my kitchen as her gigantic tits bounced all over the place. Soon, I had to offer her even more money for her to pull down her pants to see her juicy ass. After she was at this state of undress, It was easy to get her to suck my cock and eventually let me penetrate her tight pussy. I fucked my maid in several different positions all over my bedroom. Eventually busting a load all over her face. Once I got my nut in, it was time to make sure she finished cleaning my house.

  • 00:41:15
  • Oct 08, 2018
  • 1752


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