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babe needs her plumbing fixed! 7054h

This muscular plumber gets Jennifer horny and they soon forget about the broken pipes and instead turn their attentions to his steely meat pipe! Jennifer is a hot little number from Hungary who loves nothing more then a nice piece of wood put straight into her hot oven and with her 34-24-34 figure, she definitely get s what she wants!
I think we could all agree that if we were called to fix a toilet and the babe came out looking like Jennifer, there would be some major pipe laying going on, and Jennifer s hot twat and mouth would be the recipient of the work. She teases, tantalizes, and sucks the plumber off until he has no choice but to pork her doggy style in the bathroom. Her long stockinged legs are the stairway to heaven and Mano just got his ticket in!

  • 00:01:57
  • Apr 12, 2002
  • 34


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