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doctor prescribes foot meds! 7039h

Here s a steamy foot fetish guy/girl set that s totally hot! Here Esther Virgin ( Yeah, you take a wild guess as to why her last name is virgin! ) gets down with Jean Fourne at the doctors office and the twosome find out that they both have foot fetish desires, and it s the only way to a cure for what ails the sexy young lady!
It all begins the moment doc touches her feet. She pulls out his cock which is in view and symmetrically aligned to her mouth already and gives the doc a great blow job as payment for his services. He enjoys licking each digit of her toes independently and then fucking them as well before she does the hop scotch on his cock pop in reverse cowgirl position with her feet in the stir-ups. Just perfect! Following, some deep thrusting anal comes into play and a cum shot all over the babes twinklers wraps the examination up! At the end, Doctor has a new patient and the patient has her cure!

  • 00:01:17
  • Dec 13, 2001
  • 27


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