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morning diaper change & cum with loving amario

NOTE: THE CAMERA IS KIND OF OUT OF FOCUS THE ENTIRE TIME. It s IN FOCUS when she s close to it. It gives it an ethereal feel at times.
Your loving caregiver AmaRio sneaks into your nursery & leans in lovingly to feel the front of your diaper. It s pretty soaked. She crawls into the crib with you and instead of a rushed diaper change... she takes this morning to remind you why you need diapers (because you always wake up soaked) as she gently rubs the front of your swollen, soaked pissy diaper.... hmmmmm... she s going to keep rubbing until you cum in it, while she s sexily talking to you about diapers, etc. You explode in there and she enjoys the moment. Then she starts the diaper change process & relishes in every moment... the ritual of wiping... the rolling up the old diaper... the smell of the powder.. what a sweet GF/caregiver you have!! She talks about going to the theme park later on!! She loves you so much!

  • 00:08:11
  • May 23, 2024
  • 112


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