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two huge booties are better than one

Virgo Peridot and her friend Alexis Andrews decided to hire an instructor and do some quick exercises. The problem is that both of these chicks have massive asses. Instead of concentrating on the workout, the instructor concentrated on their huge booties. This dude popped a boner real quick, that shit was even hanging out go the shorts. Virgo and Alexis noticed and were turned on more than anything. Soon after, the workout went out the window and he was pulling their gigantic asses out and worshiping them for a bit. These chicks eventually moved on to his cock, they both shared his dick at the same time. This instructor had one of the best nights of his life, he got to bang these two magnificent booties in several different potions before dropping a load all over their face.

  • 00:44:24
  • May 20, 2018
  • 567


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