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naughty fun 6595h

Hi Guys, It’s me, Ellena, back to have some more naughty fun, I had such a good time the last time I was here I just had to cum back for more. This time I wore my funky blue fishnet stocking because this set is all about my long legs and pretty feet. Not to exclude my tight sexy ass and my hot & horny pussy. I walked around my flat strutting my stuff and touching myself, caressing my body all over, running my hands up and down my legs. I got on top of my big glass table lifting my legs and rubbing them down. I just love teasing myself, the longer I wait the wetter I get. I got on all fours with my ass pointing up high and thought about how good it feels from behind and then I stood back up and took of my bra and started playing with my tits. I laid back in my chair and spread my legs open wide, rubbing them all over and teasing myself even more and then I got up and pulled my panties down to my knees and spread my ass and pussy wide open. I sat back down and spread my pussy wide op

  • 00:04:45
  • Jun 06, 2007
  • 21


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