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in a predicament position trapped inside the cage

The slave is exactly where he belongs. Locked in a cage made of metal. There is no thought of breaking out. He will only ever leave this cage again with the help of his mistress.

But she has completely different plans. As if it wasn t humiliating enough just to be locked up, she starts to put several metal sticks through the bars of the cage to restrict the slave s freedom of movement even more.
Slave Canvas is overcome with a feeling that is hard to imagine. A mixture of claustrophobia, constriction and arousal to be at the mercy of his mistress. The rods are of course locked from the outside with a wire, so that they can only be removed again with a tool.

But then the real torment begins. The tied balls are attached to the hands with a thin string over pulleys. Now the slave has the choice. He can keep his arms stretched with effort or pull himself on the testicles.

The cock presses from the inside against the penis cage. However, Yara makes it unmistakably cl

  • 00:04:50
  • May 07, 2024
  • 38


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