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fun in the sun

This week on can he score we pair up Vanessa Leon with Max Hammer, these two kids are in for a hell of a date because we set them up for some scooter riding and a day at the beach... the nude beach. how will they react to that? who knows. Vanessa leon is a up and coming star she just turned 21 so she is on full party mode, her favorite activities include bar hopping and having a great time. she is an outgoing character that just wants to have a great time. Vanessa s best assets are her great pair of tits they are natural and large yummy! Max is currently unemployed but its okay because he is all about relaxing and kicking it with his friends. he s taking some time off to enjoy life a bit more. he is an avid club going dude and he knows how to work his way with the ladies, when he s not in the gym working out he is out trying to get worked out. can these two click and make sparks fly or will they have a bad connection and want to make one another disappear? find out this week on can he score.

  • 00:00:00
  • Apr 02, 2009
  • 195


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