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havana and savana have the big round asses

I met up with my homeboy Jarrod at this swingers motel down by the beach this week. He told me that he was gonna meet up with these two hot babes. One named Havana whos a nice dark skinned mulata with a nice big round ass and these huge pair of tits. The other named Savana a hot british girl whos into everything naughty and has the body to prove it. Shes a foxy white girl with her own set of knock out knockers and an ass to match. We took them back to the cave, Yeah the room looked like a giant stone age cave with these stone age painting of naked cave girls and stalagites. A huge water fall/ hottub. They didnt waste anytime taking their clothes off. They were sexy they loved showing off their goods and were especially friendly with each other, kissing, rubbing each others tits together and eatting each others pussy. This got Jarrod ready to go and the fuckfest began. These two girls love to fuck they fuck in all the best positions watch them get fucked in the cowgirl watch those titt

  • 00:00:00
  • Nov 07, 2007
  • 152


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