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late again

In a familiar scenario, Mandy Haze finds herself running behind schedule for work yet again, much to the annoyance of her boss, Brannon Rhodes. Growing tired of Mandy s habitual tardiness, Brannon takes it upon himself to pick her up for work, hoping to instill a sense of punctuality.
On this particular day, Brannon s patience wears thin as he waits outside Mandy s home for her to emerge. Frustrated by the delay, he decides to take matters into his own hands and approaches her door. When Mandy finally answers, expecting a reprimand for her lateness, she is surprised to find Brannon standing there with a patient smile.
Grateful for his understanding and willingness to accommodate her, Mandy expresses her heartfelt thanks to Brannon for his patience and support. Touched by her sincerity, Brannon accepts her gratitude graciously, recognizing the importance of fostering a positive work environment built on mutual respect and understanding.
As they set off for work together, Mandy

  • 00:23:18
  • Apr 28, 2024
  • 122


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