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rachel rose road head at the car wash

Rachel Rose found herself at the car wash on a sunny afternoon, the gentle hum of machinery filling the air as soap suds cascaded over her car. As she waited, she noticed a stranger nearby, his eyes briefly meeting hers before returning to the magazine he held.
Intrigued by his presence, Rachel couldn t shake the feeling of curiosity that tugged at her. With a subtle smile, she approached him, the sound of her footsteps mingling with the background noise of the car wash.
Hi there, she said, her voice carrying over the din. Nice day, isn t it?
The stranger looked up from his magazine, his gaze meeting hers once more. Sure is, he replied, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his lips. Getting your car washed?
Rachel nodded, a playful glint in her eyes. Looks like we re in the same boat, she said, gesturing toward his own vehicle. Mind if I join you?
A flicker of surprise crossed the stranger s face before he nodded, a smile spreading across his features.

  • 00:19:22
  • Apr 28, 2024
  • 279


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