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hollywood style

Borya s hanging out with two sexy ladies that he met at the bar last night while partying, Seems as if they want to continue what they didn t finish the night before. Even though they re a bit tired it didn t take that long for them to start getting undressed and feeling on each other making them horny for more. They continued on the couch as Tommy and Borya watched them lick each others wet pussy, next thing you know Tommy is sitting next to them with his dick hanging out getting hornier by the minute so the girls noticed, within seconds they were sucking on his cock. Borya couldn t bare to watch so he pulled his cock out as well then they began to suck on his cock too. So we have two girls sucking on two cocks, then the girls start to fuck Tommy as Borya continued to film, now that s every mans dream , a threesome. WOW! Tommy fucked these girls in multiple positions until he bust a nut on their tits, while this was going on Borya was beating off while watching and next thing you know he also bust a load on these two hot chicks. Check it out, Enjoy!

  • 00:00:00
  • Jul 21, 2009
  • 240


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