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champion pussy!

Kai is practicing basketball with his coach Sheem. Kai is trying to make the hoops but he is too in his head. Sheem takes notice of this and asks what’s going on? He explains that it’s been a long time since he has had some pussy, not since his girlfriend broke up with him 6 months ago. Sheem sees how it all makes sense now and comes up with the idea to talk to his stepdaughter. He tells Kai to freshen up while he talks to her. Sheem goes to his stepdaughter and explains the situation, she is excited by the idea, she has always wanted to fuck him. So, with that, they bring in Kai and explain what they want to do for him. Kai jumps in excitement and agrees to join them. Anything to get his stress off and win the championship. All this leads to a wild banging session where Kai and Stepdad Sheem fuck stepdaughter Sky Alexis. From all positions until they both cum on her pretty face.

  • 00:43:21
  • Oct 10, 2024
  • 312


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