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daphne rosen knows how to ride!

so I went to a farm near Miami because someone told me that there was this hot chick, with big juicy tits riding completely naked. I couldn t believe this so I went there to prove it and I took my camera with me. This is the case: Beautiful Daphne Rosen, always loves to ride naked so she can dell more in touch with nature. So introduced myself to her, and we started talking a little bit, then she took a bath and she didn t mind to be filmed. She was loving the camera so much that she started teasing it. This hot mama, is very sexual and very exotic. Her big tits and her enormous ass makes the perfect combination for a great FUCK! later that day, Justin, a regular of the farm, came by and started flirting with Daphne, then they started the party. Justin fuck Daphne so good that you are going to wish you were there!

  • 00:00:00
  • Mar 05, 2008
  • 515


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