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ava devine likes the taste of her ass.

This week Ava Devine came to my house. She was hot and extremely horny. Her body was glisining with sweat and sexual excitement. Everything she touched made her hair stand up and her goose bump. She was aroused as she massaged her body and teased her breast. Ava Devine is hott. Ava then began to describe what she wanted to do to my cock and where she wanted to put her Ass! I watcher Ava caress her pussy and finger her ass, suculantly placing that same finger in her mouth and sucking the ass juices that had accumilated there. She then playfully massaged her pussy until she came. Ava wanted my cock and I was all too willing. I let her unzip my pants and slobber my cock. She kept me in a state that was between heaven and cumming, before she stopped and put in her pussy, then she put my cock in her ass and pumped it a little then puttijng my cock back into her mouth..she loved to ass to mouth. So hott!

  • 00:00:00
  • Mar 19, 2008
  • 291


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