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deep anal in spring break

What s up people? It s still spring break here in Miami and the bang bus is still on the prowl for hot chicks willing to suck some cock, and possibly take it up the ass, and that s exactly what we found this week.After a few laps around SoBe hollering at some hotties.Preston and the guys found Raquel.She was a charismatic young hot piece of ass with an awesome sense of humor and a big phat ass.She was hesitant to come with us on the bus, but after Preston practically gave her his wallet she was in. She found Jonny Deep attractive, and she was very flirtatious with him.After some convincing, she showed us her succulent ass, and a little while after that she was being pounded in the ass.There is nothing better than a hot Latin woman moaning in her native tongue as she takes it up the ass again and again.After it was all said and done we convinced her to go steal some easter eggs off people s lawns,and she fell for it.As we peeled off she ran at us trying to catch up,but she was just too slow. Enjoy.

  • 00:00:00
  • Mar 25, 2008
  • 215


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