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asian pie

Welcome back fans. Here is what happened today. I got a good friend of mine, Jessika BangCock who came to Miami to visit me. So I was planning on fucking her and shit like that. So I left my camera in the car and asked Porcupine to go and chill somewhere so I can have some time with her. You know what this fucker did? He took the camera from the car and went upstairs while I was working my way out to fuck Jessika. So he showed up at my place all good looking and shit he started talking to Jessika and he mentioned that he never fucked an Asian chick. Of course that got her excited, and she switched her attention from me. The only thing I had left was to tell them that if they wanna fuck right now, I ll film it. Well, that’s what they ended up doing. He fucked her nice Asian pussy all over the place, and he rewarded her with a nice hot cream pie. Check this out!!!

  • 00:00:00
  • Sep 26, 2008
  • 155


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