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disco freak

Robert is looking for a place to stay, so he met up with Alex at the bus stop, who is renting out a flat. As they converse, Robert finds out that Alex is a party girl who listens to Snoop-Dogg. Fo Shizzle Nizzle! Anyway! Robert ends up asking her personal questions about her sex life for cash. The first time Alex fucked, she was in the disco. Alex loves doggy style, missionary, and the freaky shit, like double penetration. As they keep talking, Alex shows off her bit tits. Of course Robert had to feel up on them. She flashed her pussy. Right after that Robert fingered her. Moments later, the dick sucking begins in the corner of the bus stop which leads to fucking-public invasion style.

  • 00:00:00
  • Mar 11, 2013
  • 795


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