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nun sharka blue is a professional harcore ass fucker

Casonova uses his charm on a nun and warms her into fucking by eating her tight shaved pussy. Sharka Blue, the nun, can no longer resist and she takes his cock deep to her tonsils making him hard and ready to fuck! She rips off her clothes and takes a sideways pussy pounding from this hung stallion before letting him blast her ass. This nun can fuck! She gets on top, faces away from him and slides her butt up and down his hard cock taking him deep in her ass. While this is going on, another nun watches from outside rubbing her pussy and masturbating as Sharka is slammed from behind. To climax, he finishes by pulling out of her tight pussy and lathering her with the juice of an explosive cumshot as the other nun continues to masturbate.

  • 00:18:32
  • May 11, 2015
  • 325


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