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shy tourist does anal for cash

This time around the bus takes a little detour down to Wynwood, trying to score some hipster poon. We came across this out of town chick. She was sightseeing, checking out the graffiti and what not. But the bus is always lurking! We spotted her and decided to follow her for a bit before turning on the charm. We got her to climb aboard the bus, and soon after she was climbing on some cock. She was pretty shy at first, but all that changed once she got a taste of that dick with a little bit of cash sprinkled on top. This shy girl turned out to be one of the wildest, when she asked for our boy Bambino to fuck her in the ass. Anal BangBus motherfuckers!! Enjoy, as we show some out of town hipster the time of her life.

  • 00:59:42
  • May 17, 2016
  • 1439


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