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prostate check leading to sperm extraction - immeganlive

I m a specialized nurse in prostate chec. I ve been doing this for a long time now, I kind of developed my own technique. I had this client today, Mr. Smith, he came into my office for an exam. I proceeded with the basic checks, but he never had a prostate check before. So of course, it s my duty to do it. I had him turn around on his knees, put on my my latex glove and started the exam. While I was checking his prostate, I noticed that he was getting harder and harder. I was looking at his hard cock and I started to feel heat waves all over my body. So I opened up my nurse outfit blouse to let my boobs out, I was getting so hot! I then realized that he requested a fertility test in this hospital, but he didn t get an appointment yet. I decided to be very useful, help him out, save some time and do his sperm extraction myself! Apparently my hands are pretty talented. Once extracted, I headed out to taste it. Oh!? Did I say taste, omg, I meant test it!
Tags : cumshot, handjob, latex,

  • 00:13:39
  • Nov 29, 2021
  • 149


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