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slut training: amy quinn & rebel rhyder

As most know I have been using Rebel Rhyder ad my personal fuck whore for many years. She is the perfect piece of fuck meat. I tend to pound every hole as hard and deep as I can. Rebel Rhyder and I have always had each others back. I hook her up with cool guys that can use her right and she gets other Sluts for me. This time she brought me Amy Quinn, a tiny sexpot from the mid west. This woman is like no other. She can take a hammering in all 3 holes like Rebel Rhyder can. Rebel Rhyder knew she d get some Slut Training to get her into porn right. So I went about the process of breaking her in right. I hammered away in every position I could thing of. Rebel Rhyder helped out a ton by leading the way. Whores tend to be bigger Whores when in the presence of other Whores. Rebel Rhyder knows this and lead the way. She also submitted her holes like she was born to do. True Whores. As always Rebel Rhyder and I took our time and brought out the best in Amy Quinn. THIS IS WHAT FUCKING IS ALL AB

  • 00:38:53
  • May 20, 2022
  • 3294


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