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tamara val stunning blonde milf sodomized on the terrace

Tamara is reading a book by the pool. It s just the yellow press in fact. And, of course, Terry is hot and wants to fuck with somebody. Did you have any doubt about that? This impressive woman is not really against the idea of having sex with Terry and when she realizes that a dick is better than the bullshit you can read in a magazine, she starts to get active and to make a great blowjob to our nice fellow. She gets so horny that she comes like a hot cat, when Terry fingers her deeply. I am sure, you can imagine the rest of the scene! Doggie style, fucking her pussy, fucking her ass no single hole is being abandoned! And she is coming over and over again. And in the end, Terry comes into her face, this is what she likes, and she eats the cum until the end, until everything is away and clean. A very serious lady, without a doubt!

  • 00:33:40
  • Aug 18, 2022
  • 175


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