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naughty neighbors

What s up homies? Me, I m just here chillin out, recovering from a crazy weekend. I partied my ass off this whole weekend. I partied so hard that I woke up in someone s backyard. It was fucking crazy. I just opened my eyes, the sun is beaming on my face, and I m laying on the grass. I start to get up, look around, look over to the neighbor s yard, and there is this beautiful woman, just lying there by the pool in her bathing suit. She was smoking! I creeped over, and she got a little scared, but I explained what happened, and that I needed to use her phone, because I had lost mine. She let me come over and chill by the pool while I called my mom to come pick me up. In the meantime she starts to tell me that her husband is out of town, and that he s never around to fulfill her needs. I knew exactly what she was getting to, so I offered to oil her up in return for her to oil me up. This girl had a smoking ass body, real nice legs I just wanted lick up and down. I grabbed her by her stomach, and started rubbing on her pussy through her bathing suit, this got her really hot, so she started taking my shorts off, and started playing with my balls, and sticking my my dick in her mouth while she licked the tip for a little bit, and then would stuck the whole thing in her mouth. I wanted to fuck her real bad, so she took me by her hot tub, where the neighbors wouldn t be able to see too much, and sucked my dick some more. Finally she sat on the lawn chair, I spread her legs and started fucking her real good. I don t think this chick had gotten fucked in a long time, because ahe was really into it, like a fucking nympho. When she rode me cowgirl style, she was bouncing on my cock so hard, I just had to cum all over her face. The good thing is she wants me to be her pool boy, so I can use my poolstick daily.

  • 00:00:00
  • Apr 26, 2007
  • 148


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