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milf masturbates multiple orgasms with big toys and butt plug

Honestly, this is best masturbation video made ever! You will know after watching the whole video!

I (Vixen Spaisyt) made this video alone to my travelling husband as he asked me to make video to him from such a masturbation that I will become so fully sexually pleasured that I don t feel horny for a week after taking the video ! So, I thought that I will masturbate with my favorite toys until I can t reach orgasms anymore and as I love also anal sex, I will try to get our biggest butt plug in as last time I already almost got it.

So In the beginning I masturbated with pink rabbit vibrator (2nd best toy I have, becomes just after Satisfyer), so that my legs were widely open in video to my husband - to show how the rabbit ears rubs my clitoris when I masturbate with it and how the rabbit goes deep inside my vagina. It felt so good that I would have got orgasm, but I didn t want to come yet. I wanted to enjoy longer and raise my horny feelings to higher.

Then I cha

  • 00:32:51
  • Aug 15, 2023
  • 115


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