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alexis silver is back!!

Have I mention that Alexis Silver is back yet? Well, we met up with her at a clinic where pornstars go to check themselves out. I came to find out, that place is great when you need to find a girl, clean, hot, and the PORNSTAR thing, awesome! Well after my boy Zack took me there we saw Alexis and decided to say our usual greeting , which meant we ended up taking her back to the house for some BIG TIT FUN. 32 double G is her size and DAYUM!!! They re fucking amazing. After some tit play she got down to business with Zack as he ate her out, and she sucked him off. Wow! It was awesome. She can work that shit, and it was great watching her tits bounce. After some foreplay action they got into the sex. Alexis got pounded by Zack, and she ended up swallowing a huge load. This is an episode you MUST CHECKOUT!!

  • 00:00:00
  • Dec 03, 2008
  • 171


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