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gianna motherfucking grey

Reverse BangBus time!! That’s right fuckers, this week we met up with Gianna Grey in order to go around town looking for random dudes for her to fuck. We cruised around the streets of Miami. First, we pulled up on this dude that was eager to jump inside and get his dick wet. And that’s just what he did, he was able to fuck her but only lasted one position before busting everywhere. So we kicked his ass out and kept moving. From there, we ran into this dude that turned out to be a virgin. Gianna was more than excited to pop his cherry. He jumped in and the rest is history. However, not being fully satisfied from that, she asked us to call in a favor from a stud. So Johnny, rushed to our aid. He arrived to give her the proper fucking her pussy deserved. Gianna took dick all over the bus making her cum several times.

  • 00:51:18
  • Dec 29, 2021
  • 827


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