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Sometimes it`s even hard to imagine what kind of a people live in Miami. This chic I met on Lincoln road was like nothing else. At first she would say that she was dreaming about a doing some music video stuff. So I decided to use this to bait her in, so she come back to my crib for some hot steamy sex. She told me that she needs a car. Something like a Honda or whatever and she would do anything we want if I`ll show the money on the table. So i did SHOW it. And the party began. I`ll tell you what. Those things you`ll see in a movie you`ll not gonna find anywhere else. Save it for your videocollection and then when your son will grow up show it to him and say Now you know what money can do to women

  • 00:00:00
  • May 18, 2006
  • 162


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