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sucking, fucking, and a creampie from my soon-to-be ex husband s lawyer

I am divorcing my rich small dicked husband, and he has the audacity to not only deny me alimony, but to demand compensation because he has so-called proof that I had been committing adultery throughout our marriage (which, of course, I have been). I decide to take matters into my own hands and seduce his divorce lawyer, who happens to also be one of his long time friends. I knew he had always had a thing for me, and I used that to my advantage. First I get him to discard the evidence of my adultery, and eventually get him to not only throw out any payments for damages, but overturn the refusal of alimony. I slowly work his cock and his dollar amount up and up until I get exactly what I want AND a pussy full of cum. It s so nice to win.

  • 00:20:29
  • Apr 22, 2024
  • 65


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