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kitana lure s angry sex with lover after he bangs her stepdaughter becomes a menage a trois gp1754

In the last video, Stefany Kyler tricked handyman Kristof Cale, the paramour of her stepmother, Kitana Lure, into coming to their home while Kitana is out. Stefany wants revenge on her stepmom for thinking that she doesn t know that she was cheating on her father! Threatening to tell her father everything is Kristof doesn t do what she says, the well-hung handyman initiates the young woman into the sort of sex that the boys at her school don t know how to do! As the current video opens, Kitana comes home and discovers the pair just as her stepdaughter is wiping Kristof s seed from her creamy-white skin and nubile young chest. Kitana is enraged, but Stefany tells her that if she does anything, she ll tell her father everything. Stefany goes to take a shower, and realizing that she s Kitana decides to channel her anger into a particularly energetic fuck session with Kristof, making him fuck her in missionary and cowgirl in between cocksuckings. The newly-refreshed Stefany then returns an

  • 00:45:07
  • Mar 10, 2021
  • 1321


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