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crazy ass male review

Talk about a lucky score of hottie s! We had a slow week so we decided to just throw or own Party dubbing it the 1st annual dancing bear review, which was a huge success. We rented a local bar for the night and managed get the word out enough to fill every seat in the house with a bunch of wild girls. They turned out to be more ready party and gave us a better show than we could ever give them. Being that we wanted to get a huge word of mouth out, we rocked this party hard with the hole Dancing Bear crew amped up on energy drinks. The party got worked up pretty fast, meaning these chicks got a little touchy-feely in the first five minutes. it was a beautiful site hundreds of little chick hands grabbing at each guy and half as many hungry mouths salivating for their turn to taste our some cock. You would be surprised at how many of these girls are just as horny as the average guy when put in the right environment. This is one episode not to miss. check it out.

  • 00:00:00
  • Apr 10, 2009
  • 933


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