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wife s best friend stealing your cock - the prequel - immeganlive

This is the PREQUEL to WIFE S BEST FRIEND STEALING YOUR COCK I’m your wife s friend and I ve been staying at your house visiting. You ve always had a secret crush on me and the entire time I ve been staying with you I’ve been walking around the house wearing nothing but my bra and panties. I ve noticed that anytime we re in the same room together your cock is hard and bulging in your pants. I’ve always had a crush on you too and one night your wife goes to bed early and I decide it s time for us to give in to our feelings for each other. I bring you into the room I ve been sleeping in and tell you that I ve always wanted to see your cock, your wife brags about it and I want to see it for myself. You try to tell me that this isn t a good idea, but your cock is already getting hard. I tell you that I know you want me, I ve seen your cock get hard every time we re together. I take your pants off and your cock is hard. I start to stroke it and I tell you that I ve always wanted to feel y

  • 00:29:48
  • Apr 18, 2024
  • 158


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