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college girls rock!

On today s Brown Bunnies, we went and scooped up Envy Star from her college campus. Envy had some time before the next class started. So I figured why not bring both of them back to my house. They seem to hit it off fairly well. And being that Envy has never been with a white boy. Champ has to let her know what he s about. Envy s in for big surprise. Champ has a huge cock that has some girth to it. Once Champ whipped it out. Envy was on it like white on rice. I got to give it to her. She can really suck a great cock. Take lessons ladies! This is how you suck a cock! Once Champ s cock was rock solid, Envy hopped on it and rode away. Squirting all over the cock. Come see. You ll love it!

  • 00:43:21
  • Jul 31, 2010
  • 383


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