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shared apartment foot slave jerked off on her feet!

Shared apartment foot slave jerked off on her feet!

While Princess Asmodia is preparing something in the kitchen, Princess Kirstin presses her foot slave s face onto her nylon soles of her. The two young dominant girls keep their foot slaves as roommates. Whenever the moody brats feel like it, they let him pamper their feet.
Then they continue with him on the couch. First Asmodia jerks his cock while he has to smell and lick Kirstin s bare feet. He sucks her toes while Asmodia squeezes his balls and jerks him off. Then Kirstin jerks his cock while Asmodia stomps on his balls with her stockinged feet and squeezes his balls. Finally he is relieved onto Asmodia s stockinged soles. Like a bull, he sprays fountains of cream onto her sexy nylon soles until her feet are completely soaked with his sperm.
Then Kirstin presses his face onto Asmodia s feet so that he licks off all the sperm.

  • 00:13:49
  • Apr 19, 2024
  • 110


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