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cecilia lion seduces the pool guy

Cecilia Lion planned to sunbathe by her pool for the day. Once she went out there and saw the pool guy cleaning the pool, her plans changed. After being out there for a few minutes, she started masturbating and eventually she was so horny that she called the pool guy over to help her out. She told him to pull his cock out, she wanted to see it at all cost. Once his cock was out, she went to town on it, she shoved it in her mouth and choked on it. Eventually, she told him that it was time he took care of him. They moved over to the patio, where he shoved his cock in her pussy and gave her the fucking that she deserved. After fucking her in several different positions, the pool guy delivered a giant load all over her face. A satisfied Cecilia instructed the pool guy to promptly get back to work.

  • 00:29:33
  • Apr 12, 2018
  • 510


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