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o lovely photographer

It s good to see you back, fellas. I have o lovely surprise for you. Literally one of you knows that Olivia O lovely is a professional photographer with of experience. She is also Latina originally from Chile. Well this hot mama responded my ad asking if I want to come and videotape her at her work. That day she had a photo session with some male model since she began shooting for some mens fitness magazine. She said that its new for her to work with men, especially hot and muscular ones. The problem is that she gets turned on easily. I invited her to my room for an interview. As she was telling me about her work and all that benefits that come along with it I figured what if she takes a break from taking picture of this guy and have some fun with him. Thats what she did all over the place. Her nice round ass was jumping on his cock up and down. The sex was of the chain and the whole thing went just great. Enjoy!!!

  • 00:00:00
  • Jan 05, 2008
  • 326


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