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a big ass affair

Whenever in L.A., I always hook up with my girl Nikki Grind for a hot sex party. I usually don t film them but I was in a mood. The girls are in the industry so they didn t mind. It went a little something like this: The girls dressed up naughty. I m talking corsets, knee high boots, lace masks, the whole nine. Then one girl took the other to a secret part of the house where a surprise was in store. The surprise in this case was me. As usual, I got plenty of ass fetish from both girls. They were kind enough to let me film it. The final surprise was a special cock delivery. This lucky punk got two fuck these two hot vixens and get some sloppy head from the both of them. These girls truly have amazing bodies. They both have hot bubble butts and great tits. Damn! Not bad! The condition, of course, is that he had to do whatever the girls wanted. There was no “please” or “thank you” after each command. Hey, I wouldn t mind being these two girl s slave. Would you? Enjoy the flick fellas! Preston Parker Out!

  • 00:00:00
  • Mar 04, 2007
  • 204


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