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latin fever

Welcome to our Working Latinas community! The only place where you can find finest Latinas doing daily routine and getting rewarded afterwards. We post an ad and they reply to us. Its as simple as 1.2.3. Call, come, get nailed. Thats what happened to our todays guest Veronique. She works as a waitress at the local restaurant and seems like enjoys her job a lot. She decided to call me after she saw my ad. There are few requirements girls have to meet in order to pass. First they have to be Latin and have a decent job, second they have to be hot and third they must love sex. With the first two requirements she didn t have any problems at all but the last “must love sex” I wasn t sure about. So for that I called my boy to see if he can come and test that hottie. This guy showed up right in time, she was horny as hell and wanted to fuck really bad. First she gave him an awesome blow job, she sucked his cock like a wild woman. Then she got fucked from bunch of different positions and as she

  • 00:00:00
  • Dec 10, 2007
  • 203


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