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sandy visits the candy store!7126h

Sexy Sandy slurps her way to the top of sugar-sweet Candy s legs on her way to a golden climax! Sandy has impeccable taste in women, and when she met Candy, she knew she got the Candy store! Watch her here as her and her new sweet undress each other from heel to toe and slurp each others sugar snacks!
Sandy s high heels are super fancy and actually look like purple jolly rancher candies. They get a lick down by Candy herself, and so does Sandy s hot, steamy twat! Some high heels s and toes enjoy in adventure into her love nest as well, and then it s Candy s turn to be stuffed. She get s it with a skinny little dildo and it s powered by Sandy s foot. Welcome to the sugar shack!

  • 00:02:06
  • Feb 12, 2003
  • 22


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