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two blondes does the trick!7139h

Lovely leggy ladies ripping pantyhose and sucking feet before it really heats up! Doesn t that sound like a wonderful way to spend an evening? Well look no further as Stella and Sophie are about to make that dream come true. Grab yourself a bottle of lotion and some towels, because you will need them after watching these two blondies ravage each other s legs, feet, love cakes, and coconuts!
Just chilling out on a Sunday afternoon on the couch, and then presto! The girls get horny and start fiddling with their feet. Then BOOM Stella just gets ride down and starts lapping up Sophie s sweet nectar.When you see the shot of Sophie squatting and ripping Stella s pantyhose with her mouth, you ll wonder just how good that nectar was! So fucking fine that girl! It s a free for all until the girls bang a double dildo and get stuck to each other. That s one bad-ass dildo to be nailing both of these bunnies at the same time!

  • 00:02:05
  • Apr 16, 2003
  • 42


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