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wivien and jasmine s foot action!7150h

Stocking ripping, toe-sucking good action! In other words, Christmas just came early. Then again, if you were the lucky guy or girl to be in the midst of a sexual rampage with either one of these honeys, Christmas would be everyday!
The sexually explosive 5 8 blonde haired and raven haired amazons just get crazy with each other on the bed. Some hot making out leads into Yasmine sitting on Wivien s hot tongue for some flickering. Her beautiful ass captured perfectly for us to eyeball and jack our jimmy s to!The roles revers and plenty of toe and heel sucking ensue! Mmmmmm, the shots of Yasmine s perfect cooter from behind are insane. You ll be popping your load multiple times to this starlet! Then the dildo comes out and it s all over. Enjoy this amazing punani bonanza to the fullest!

  • 00:01:59
  • Jul 06, 2003
  • 46


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