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lady lovers worship legs!7158h

These two beauties show you what leggy lesbians do when they get together on the weekends! May and Sophie rented a weekend condo and decided to just fuck each other senseless all weekend long. They both have an extravagant collection of shoes and lingerie, and they both love the taste of each others apple pies and buttered toes, that s just the way love goes!
In this set you will find plenty of toe and heel licking, as well as twat tastings, and let me tell you, both of these babes have perfect trimmed pies that make you just want to pushy pushy inside! One shot that s caught by the DDF camera crew is a double doggy pose on the couch, oh to go back and forth between both of those honeypots simultaneously. You would be king for a day! Some glass dildos come out later for stuffing their little birds with and the HD shot of that is Pristine!

  • 00:01:53
  • Aug 11, 2003
  • 52


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